Postal Boat Race turns 50!

Postrodden fyller 50 år!

The starting pistol for the 50th edition of the Postal Boat Race arranged in memory of the postal conveyance across the Sea of Åland will be fired on 15 June. Order the lovely commemorative card of the Postal Boat Race with this year’s special cancel and “over-the-sea” cancel in the webshop. The last day for submitting your order and mail items is 6 June 2024.

About the Postal Boat Race

Since 1974, the Postal Boat Race has been an annual summer event arranged to commemorate the obligation of the farmers in Swedish Väddö and Åland Eckerö to carry mail and passengers across the Sea of Åland in all weathers for almost 400 years.

This year, the boats set off at 10 am from Grisslehamn in Sweden on 15 June to sail and row to Storby, Eckerö on Åland. Approximately 30 boats take part every year, and the crews of four are required to wear contemporary clothing and the boat must also be true to the period. The goal is to cross the Sea of Åland, a distance of 44 km, as quickly as possible. Depending on the wind and weather conditions, the crossing takes anywhere between 3½ and 6 hours. The boat and team acquiring the highest total score for clothing, boat, and speed wins.

Sending cards by mail boat

Every participating mail boat carries a mail bag. This means that you can be part of the competition and obtain a unique item for your collection. In the webshop, you can buy a commemorative card of the Postal Boat Race, which is franked with an Åland stamp with appropriate postage and cancelled with the special cancellation. The card is also stamped with a commemorative cancel, which serves to certify that the mail item has, in fact, been carried across the Sea of Åland by a mail boat. 

How to order:

  1. Order the commemorative card with the special and commemorative cancels in the webshop. Price: €5.00/card. * Note! Invoice and card will be shipped separately. You receive the card after the competition has finished.
  2. Send your pre-franked and self-addressed letters and cards to us to obtain the special cancel free of charges.
  3. Send your pre-franked and self-addressed letters and cards to us to obtain the special and commemorative cancels. Price €2.00/item. *

* Shipping is additional


Last day of ordering and submitting of mail items

Last day of ordering the commemorative card for the Postal Boat Race is June 6. Your self-addressed and pre-franked covers and postcards for special and commemorative cancellations must also arrive at Åland Post Stamps no later than 6 June 2024. Send your covers to Åland Post Stamps, PO Box 1100, AX-22111 Mariehamn, Åland, Finland.

Order your commemorative cards today and let them cross the Sea of Åland by a mail boat!

The Postal Boat Race is organized by Roslagen Marine History Society and Eckerö Local History Society in cooperation with Swedish PostNord and Åland Post.

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