Finnish Red Cross Åland district granted Åland Post’s 2023 Christmas seal funds

Åland Posts julmärkesmedel 2023 tilldelas Finlands Röda Kors Ålands distrikt

From left: Åland Post Stamps communicator Gunilla Häggblom presented operations manager Tomas Urvas of Red Cross Åland District with a diploma and flowers. Irmeli Eriksson holds up a picture showing tools and equipment that are part of an evacuation unit.

Åland Post has the pleasure of handing over €1,200 from the sale of the 2023 Christmas seals to the Red Cross Åland district. The Christmas seal funds will be used to strengthen the local disaster preparedness of the district.

Every year proceeds from the sale of Christmas seals are distributed as Christmas seal funds. The Finnish Red Cross Åland District was chosen as beneficiary of the 2023 grant.

On 7 May, the donation was received by Tomas Urvas, operational manager of Finnish Red Cross Åland District, at an event arranged by the district at the Sittkoff mall in Mariehamn during the celebration of Åland Red Cross week.

“We are happy and grateful for the contribution that we have decided to use to strengthen emergency preparedness on the Åland Islands. The grant makes it possible to stock up on equipment for our local evacuation units”, Tomas Urvas says.

Christmas seals spread joy and support local society

Christmas seals are self-adhesive stickers for decorating letters and packages. Since 1993, Åland Post issues Christmas seals that not only spread Christmas joy on mail items but also help Åland Post support charitable projects and organizations in Åland. Funds from the annual sale are distributed as Christmas seal grants in support of socially useful of projects in Åland. Previous recipients of the Christmas seal funds have been Åland youth workers ‘Fältarna’, the Åland Group for Borrelia Research, the Food bank, and the Åland Defibrillators, among others. 

Prepare yourself for the 2024 Christmas seals

The 2024 Christmas seals to be issued on 23 October 2024 will support two environmental projects by the 4H Åland district r.f. The grant will be used to purchase magnet fishing gear for the fishing school for children and for building materials for nest boxes to be hung along a nature trail in Jomala.

Buy the 2023 Christmas seals, illustrated by artist: Lasse Harkkala.

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